True To Form – Update

The last few weeks I have been trying to figure out my aesthetic and its purpose. I have continued with my usual habit of shooting anything that captures my attention, but I never really thought about how I could assemble the footage it in a cohesive way.

I spent too much time trying to find meaning in the shots, which was time wasted. The project is about being drawn to nature, and the images are observations that deal with that idea. That’s it. It is the form in which I create that is the primary focus.

In the last few weeks I have watched plenty of experimental films from Jean-Luc Godard, James Benning, and Ben Russell. I treated them as ways of influencing my thinking, rather than inspiring it. This was a problem. I got so bogged-down on trying to replicate their aesthetic rather than let it wash over me. It is only in the last few days that I have come up with something the feels more personal.