The Final Reflection (For now)


Here is my learning graph for the semester



1. Post about noticing

2. Post about editing

3. Post about narrative

4. Post about Postboxes and Media

5. Post about relating my skills to other forms of media



This semester has been an absolutely incredible experience for me. I came into this course quite unsure about what I wanted to do, but I’m almost certain that the media industry is an industry I would like to dedicate some time to.
I came into this course with no prior knowledge so I feel like I’ve learnt a massive amount. I learnt about the different types of camera angles and the effects associated with them. I also learnt about aspect ratios, and practical skills such as how to properly work a video camera, voice recorder and editing software such as iMovie and Final Cut Pro X. I also learnt about Medias relationship with communication and how media practitioners use the central media ideas to communicate with consumers of media.

I discovered that I learn best in a practical environment – by going out and doing things. I found it really difficult to sit and read the readings, then write about the readings and then listen to someone talk about the readings. I don’t learn well when I have to repeat things. I loved the practicality of this course because I was able to employ skills that were being discussed at the time – they (the skills) became relevant. I realised that I was learning well when I was able to mix media theory into my thought process and practical skills as a media practitioner. It is insane how much I analyse different forms of media purely because I learnt how to notice properly.

I struggled with my confidence in regard to my ability throughout the semester – it seemed like a lot of people had previous experience and knowledge about a lot of the topics we were covering. Some people had incredible editing skills, had diplomas in Film & Television and bachelor degrees in audio. It was also intimidating being a part of such a small cohort when my previous cohort was absolutely massive in comparison. I also struggled with some of the practical skills in the beginning, such as learning the different functions on the cameras we were using for our assignments and learning how to use editing software and use it well.

I really loved learning about narrative – learning about narrative form and analysing ‘We decided not to die’ was a real eye-opening experience for me. The lecturer was really awesome and the video we watched helped me realise that I do like the abstract forms of media – it may even be something that I’d like to pursue. I also loved learning about the importance of editing and how leaving things out can actually have a greater effect on the audience.

I feel like, over the semester, I have explored my creative side and learnt about what creative practices I’d like to take part in next semester. I want to do much more film work and experiment with editing and sound over the next couple of weeks – I definitely want to create something abstract. One of the best parts of this semester was the fact that I was able to relate what I have learnt in media to not only other parts of my course, but to parts in my older course as well – I cannot wait for next semester to begin.

I agree that I have written everything on this blog : URL:



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