
This fourth brief, although it hasn’t been the most… enjoyable experience, is slowly coming together. I think I’m finally getting a concrete understanding of what a media text is.

A media text anything that is able to convey meaning, concepts or ideas. It is something that we, as media practitioners, want to analyse in order to uncover this hidden meaning. A text is not restricted by the tangible elements of size – there are a vast array of different ‘sizes’ or lengths of texts. These texts can range from single spoken words throughout a commercial, to entire soundtracks of films.

What makes texts important is what they represent within the context they were created. Media texts reflect the cultures and societies of the time. They represent society’s views and values and the issues that were present during the time. They become timeless parallels of the social normalities and cultural quirks of a social context that may not exist anymore. They are ageless fountains of information into past cultures and sometimes, intelligent guesses about the future.

This brief has also consolidated my relationships with more people in the course, nothing brings people together more than mutual distaste for a task. I feel more comfortable suggesting constructive feedback without worrying anymore – it’s nice.

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