Assessment Overview

Having been out of the classroom for almost a month, due to public holidays and our live to air, it was good to finally head back and discuss the relevant material we would need to complete all assessment tasks for R.W.A.V.


Having focussed a lot of my attention towards the live to air and the interviews pertaining to the feature, I have managed to both overlook and neglect a few areas of assessments that need to be addressed – namely this blog and the online delivery on ROAR.


Having Sam walk us through precisely what we would be assessed on and the types of content & standard that both he and Bruce would be looking for has enabled me to gain a clearer perspective on what needs to be done before the end of semester (which is only 3 weeks away).


I am hopeful that I will be able to address all the relevant criteria and produce content that both reflects and addresses all the hard work I have put in this semester and what is expected of me.