On The Record

  • the action or process of recording sound or a performance for subsequent reproduction or broadcast.

After deciding on the location in which I would centre my ’24 Hour Folio’ around, it came time to head down to the “tech office” and rent out the required equipment to capture the sounds I wanted.


The list of hired equipment read as follows:


  1. H4N Zoom Recorder
  2. 3 Meter XLR Cord
  3. Shotgun Microphone
  4. Wind Muff


After obtaining all the equipment, I set out to the Atherton Gardens Commission Homes with a somewhat structured idea of what I wanted to capture. Upon reaching the basketball courts, I commenced the process of setting up the gear and began recording. I was immediately able to capture a multitude of various different textured sounds, however I was confronted with an unforeseen problem that I had no ability to resolve, having the immense amount of background noise from the children seep into every recording. It was at this point that I had wished that I had hoped out an additional lapel microphone ⋋_⋌ . Having only secured the permission to record on the Commission Homes for that evening, I had to role with it and make the most of every opportunity; and, defying every production bone in my body, I would have to ‘fix it in the mix’.


Hopefully I am able to separate the sounds enough to create a coherent and balanced piece.