
I shall mostly be writing from my green bedroom… with timtams by my side.

Unlecture 4.0


So the whole symposium thing was in full swing this unlecture which was pretty cool! I quite enjoyed it having questions being thrown around and debated. Every tutor had different takes on the answers all of which were valid in their own ways. The unlecture was both informative and engaging and one of the things that stuck for me was the question about the future and how far into it we should look. If i recall correctly Jasmine gave a great answer to it which was simple, not far.

I’ve noticed in this degree and more specifically in networked media that we discuss a lot about the future and appropriately so because the media industry is a rapidly changing sector but do we focus too much and too far into it? It’s always a case of being a few steps ahead and predicting how the future will look and it’s impacts on us. I know, i know its naive to be like were are living in the now and forget the future rardy rardy which is not what im suggesting but i think we should consider the now. This hit me on a personal level. I want to view this whole degree a bit more in the present if it’s possible, im not gonna let the future determine my actions now. My aim as a current aspiring “media mogul” is to learn, engage and produce in a way that will hopefully shape my short term (and maybe long term) future. Yes, ive probably contradicted myself but the point is to not think about how the future will effect me but how and what i can do now in the present to impact the future.The first year is almost already over and im still finding my feet but slowly i feel like im inching my way to something better. So right now the future is one day at a time.


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