The certainly not big boat that is Networked Media

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Firstly, I like this subject. From the moment I walked into the first ‘unlecture’, heard about how we were being assessed and begun work on my own blog, I was absolutely chuffed with COMM 2219: Networked Media.

I think it is the approach to ‘work’ in this course that most excites me. Rather than writing essays (something I’m sure every student is happy about), we are asked to write about obscure readings and interpret them however we see fit.

This first reading was confusing, to say the least. It seemed to be more of a poem than an actual description of the course we were undertaking – but slowly began to make more sense by my 5th read-through.

I feel as though being on the ‘boat’ that is Networked Media provides us with an opportunity – to begin to develop the skill of blogging that will most likely be an important part of our work in the future. The boat requires a number of things from it’s occupants – they mustn’t be lazy, they must be proactive and willing to work, especially if they plan on making it anywhere worthwhile.

In my opinion, the boat and the ocean in which it floats, along with the eddies, currents and waves are a very successful metaphor for ‘the network’ and describe the way in which the it is free to move about the vast ocean of ideas that surround it.

Needless to say, this reading was weird – but hey! Weird mightn’t be so bad after all.

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