Rally Confirmed

Fortunately for my project and unfortunately for Bendigo the United Patriots Front have confirmed their rally for the 10th of October at 2:30pm at the Corner of Forest St & Mackenzie St.



While looking at this I noticed that I have 10 Facebook friends that actually like the UPF Facebook page. Meaning there are people my age who support this group. If I see any of them at the protest I may interview them as I think it would be intriguing.

I intend on travelling to Bendigo this week to capture some cutaway shots of Bendigo including the site of Mosque, town hall and maybe some catholic churches to make a comparison. There actually a presbytarian church on the corner of Forest/Mackenzie St where the protestors are meeting. I could some shots of this location on and average day and edit it with a shot of it on the day of the protest to highlight the disruption.




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