Tagged: TWENTY


This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten.

And then let all your worries go away because I have just finished my first successful studio for this course. I mean, this is assuming I pass, but… IT’S DONE!! And I am so happy. This is the last and final blog post that is required from me and to be honest the past 6 weeks have been great. I’ve been reflecting on the last month and a half (although I did move to tumblr now) and can proudly say I am coming away from here with a new-found appreciation for the art of Music Video. I mean anyone can slap together a montage of heartwarming and emotional clips, and paste a song underneath it anyday, but to do what we did takes hard dedication and work. I’ve learnt a many things from the class, especially the production aspects of it all. There is a lot that goes into pre, post and principle production that I would have never been able to try out by myself. Also shooting something on location without a proper AD or director can be concerning.

I’ve also realised that collaboration can come with a double edged sword (is that the saying?). I mean I said at the beginning that I wanted to work with more people, and not have to burden myself with all the work, but with that comes to trust and depend on other people, specifically other people who I have never worked with before. It took me a while to find proper friends in uni, and to be thrust into our group was a bit of a shock, but I think I’ve adapted enough. I’m not sure if we will come out of this BFF’s but at least we’ve made professional ties to each other.

Another thing is that I can appreciate an artists view on things. It didn’t matter that this work was made for a class project, it was first and foremost a product made for a client. My personal opinion could have changed and been divided between having it perfect for myself or perfect for class, but it ultimately falls on whether or not the artist was happy, and Abby was definitely happy.

I think the most I can say is that not everything can come easy and not everyone has the same vision. I’m proud of what I made, but I’m also sad that we couldn’t accomplish everything we set out to do. In the end we made a great video, and that’s really all that mattered.