
Being possibly the only person in the cohort still updating their blog, i thought i should make an entry. In particular, I’ve been thinking about goals.

in my previous entry, i stated that i have a list of goals i wish to complete. About a month ago, i made a list of resolutions and made them ‘ goals to complete while i am 19,’ because who can really be bothered waiting for the new year to set goals. Not just that, but there is a whole two months without uni until the new year finally kicks in, so its best to start working at goals now. In addition to this list, i made a smaller list of things to do before uni begins again next year. I made sure the list was do-able, but i set myself the challenge of completing at least 7 things from my wider list of resolutions. I have made a bit of a start, but so far am moving relatively slowly. So here is what i plan to do:

Since this blog is currently for my own purposes, as in, i don’t have a regular audience to cater to, I’m going to use it to keep track of these goals. Well more than that really, i want to update the blog when I’ve completed the goals. I am doing this for a number of reasons; to keep me on track and so that i don’t slack off, because continuing to use my blog is on my resolutions list, and because setting goals is a rewarding process.

In the midyear holidays i set myself 6 fairly simple goals and completed 4 of them. I will admit it was somewhat disappointing to have not completed them all, but i have carried them over to the new resolutions list, so they will get done. Having a physical list of goals is valuable protection against being stagnant and not accomplishing anything, plus it feels so rewarding once you cross something off with a pretty highlighter. My list in particular, though i will not show it here, is full of things that align with what i want to do and who i want to be. I mentioned in earlier posts that i felt i hadn’t created much this year, and i was disappointed in myself to have stopped painting and creating and doing things that i used to love, so these are things that are included in my list.

Here’s hoping i stay on track. The next time i update this blog, i will be a slightly more accomplished person. For the time being, here’s another photo of my dog.

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