Week 3 // Images from our past

Week 3 // Images from our past

In preparation for the tute today we were asked to have a few photos from our childhood or recent past on hand. Though I actually do have quite a few physical pictures from my childhood here in Australia – I being a typical member of my generation have also scanned a much greater collection of photos onto my computer. In the class activity, we each had to choose a picture from the collection of the person next to us. This is the picture chosen from the collection I shared:

My first reaction to this choice was surprised as I thought for sure any sensible person would have chosen this one:

Though the one chose is perhaps one of my mother’s favorite pictures. Though I can not recall the actual day it was taken as I was probably 3 or 4 years old – I do know exactly where we were and have other memories of being that place. The other two children pictured are my brother Stuart (left), and my “cousin” Molly (center).  A long-running family joke is also attached to this photo. The joke being that my brother never took off his Jordon jersey for about a year. This photo being both evidence and a reminder of that fact.

The reason for this activity was to show how our reaction to photos like these changes. My reaction to the first photo has absolutely changed as my relationship with the other two pictured has changed. As well as how the relationships between our two families have evolved due to certain events (divorce, death, etc..). Whereas to a person who is not aware of the specific relationships this a simple and beautiful picture of three kids scratching their names into wood.

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