Dear Future Self,

In my first post, I discussed what I wanted to get out of this course. I broke what I wanted into 3 broad parts 1) Communicate Craftily – specifically my writing skills 2)Surround Myself  With “Why Not?” i.e. collaborate and 3) Produce a Portfolio of Work. Now that my first semester has passed its time to reflect on these goals, expand on them, and make some new ones!

Here is my revised list!

Dear Future Self over the next 5 Semesters ( more specifically this coming semester though) I hope to

  1. Continue to expand and improve my skill set: This includes not only the Adobe Creative Cloud, but to include learning basic code (enough to design an app) and dedicate myself to learning another language (Spanish).  Though the Spanish part may not seem Media related to me this is a skill that will make me more marketable in the States, and will allow for me apply to work in more places. To do this I will sign up for classes outside of the university (for Spanish) and work on coding at home through online courses/tutorials .I was quite pleased with the work I got done this semester having never used Audition, Premiere, and After Effects but I do plan on continuing my proficiency with these tools as well as re-learning photoshop (I was quite good in High School after a graphic design class but I feel that knowledge has probably left my brain by now).
  2. Continue my blog: I have very much enjoyed keeping this blog this semester and I have very much enjoyed having a medium to practice my writing skills. I am very excited for my Space & Place Lit class this coming Semester as my Academic writing is still something I feel I struggle with (as well as basic grammar – public school seriously failed me).
  3. Get Involved/ Gain more practical experience: I focused primarily on my classes this semester and I do not regret that though now that I know what to expect from courses I definitely feel it is time for me to get more involved and look for opportunities to gain more practical media experience as well as meet people who I could possibly collaborate with!
  4. Begin to look for Work Attachments either here or in the States ( at a time where I could home and see my family )
  5. Work on personal side projects: This may be a podcast idea I’ve been playing with, or creating a silly (and V. simple app) // Use the skills I’m learning to produce content that is personal to me and can be used to show people my POV in the media world.
  6. Read at least 1 book that has to do with something media/industry/business related each month!
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