PB4: Interview at the ABC

Yesterday (MAH BDAY YASSS), my group headed to The ABC’s offices in Elsternwick to interview reporter, Kerri Ritchie.  I feel the interview went really well. Kerri was very generous to us with time and how open she was to answering all of our questions. She was also very helpful and gave us some pro tips 1. I was again the person in charge of acting as the interviewer I think I did a decent job but at the end, I was thankful to Kerri for actually bringing up a topic I had completely forgotten to bring up. I was extremely excited though to continue practicing my interviewing skills as it is something I truly do want to master 2. I haven’t gotten a chance to look at the footage or review the audio yet but I hope it turned out okay. There was one moment where a woman came into the room we were using and made some noise – hopefully, that didn’t mess with the audio too much. It certainly feels good to finally have some stuff done for both essays and hopefully, now my group can really just charge through it.

  1. PRO TIP have the interviewer sit as close to the camera as possible so it still looks like the interviewee is looking at the camera
  2. This coming break I am going to get started working on an interview-based podcast, and hopefully also caller based
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