What Makes Me a ‘Creative’

In this past workshops class, we discussed what characteristics make a someone a creative. After this discussion, I started thinking about what the traits within me that make me want to create/ continue to drive me to create/ or simply lend or help my creative side.

I am…

Entitled: I don’t mean this to make you think that I think I am a spoiled brat. I mean this in the sense of how Mindy Kaling speaks about Entitlement in her book Why Not Me?

“Confidence is just entitlement. Entitlement has gotten a bad rap because it’s used almost exclusively for the useless children of the rich, reality TV stars, and Conrad Hilton Jr., who gets kicked off an airplane for smoking pot in the lavatory and calling people peasants or whatever. But entitlement in and of itself isn’t so bad. Entitlement is simply the belief that you deserve something” Read The full essay HERE).

I work hard at the things I want and I truly believe I deserve them. Whether or not I will actually get them is another matter…. That’s life. But if I don’t feel entitled enough to think what I make matters… Who will?

Independent: I value my independence and autonomy. I like having the ability to try things with-out having to ask for permission and without fearing the consequences of failure. This lead to me having to produce pathways for myself that may not have been an option for me otherwise. Or would not have appeared to be a pathway to someone else’s eyes.

Neurotic: This is a quality within myself I am only just starting to be aware of. I have a tendency to over-think, isolate myself, and become exceedingly anxious. This neurosis I think has lead to my ability to come up with creative solutions to problems as well as fueling my imagination.


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