
On Saturday I filmed Evan, and when I went back to my computer I had realised I actually didn’t get that much of footage, nonetheless I did not have time to re-shoot, I have to work with what I have. I am comfortable using iMovie the most, and therefore I made the footage for each window on that, and enhanced the colour on all the videos as the lighting came across very dull and lifeless in the footage. This way I was able to utilise the slo-motion effect and the reverse effect in iMovie, and then I dragged the items across to Premiere to put it all together with the “Crossbars” template that someone had placed on Google Docs for all of us to use to match our work correctly to the windows at Signal. I really tried to accentuate the idea of questioning gravity, and having a lot of flight in all of the footage. The audio was the toughest part, I didn’t think that my spring sound was good enough, so I avoided it and used Garageband to create an audio track with some chords to accentuate flight and a repetitive beat to enhance the idea of jumping.

Screenshot of work in Premiere

Screenshot of work in Premiere

Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 10.34.16 pm Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 11.38.45 pm

Media Studio 2 | Thurs Wk. 4

This class was a very relaxed class in which we could have time to edit some of Project Brief 2 assignment, I used this to catch up on blog posts and begin to make a plan about how I would structure my film. It was very difficult, I was struggling a lot to connect the pieces, I’m used to making some form of narrative with my work, however, this place did not have much meaning, and there was literally no story. All I had was footage of a place, and the goal was to employ these materials into a film that presented this car-park into a non-place. I did notice I had much more photographs than footage so I decided to make more of a montage of a place in a specific sequence, to highlight the continuous cycle of abuse people do with a carpark using the iMovie program on my Mac.
