Little boat Big ocean

Speculative writing!
Week 1 Reading

Networked Media= Boat
Ocean = Ideas to explore

It is a metaphor, it suggests that each student will conduct/venture/lead their own exploration.
Too many ideas? Never too many. The boat is little but the ocean is big, big enough to never run out of ideas.

Once you break down and begin to ponder, let it flow, along with the waves and currents, use the blog as a physical tool to document your through processes and findings.

Sometimes you’ll know where you’re heading, other times it will be a concoction of word vomit and meaningless babble (a bit like this)

It is all part of the speculative experience that will develop as you do.
Intellectually and creatively.

Dip your oar into as much as you can because the ocean is a big place and your potential for knowledge is wonderfully wide.