First impression expression

My first not very creative Vine post!

Stepping up in the world of Blogging

I now have a Vine account and can successfully embed a video thanks to the help page! Meagan Cignoli- the person privileged with my first Vine follow. She’s a fashion photographer by trade but creates videos of models with an…

Reflection: ‘’Blogs in Media Education’’

Week 2 Reading Reassuring and Refreshing! This reading focused on why teachers should use blogs, how they can be included into the curriculum and the benefits students will have from this type of media. Key points in the reading: ‘’In…

A letter to my Week 12 self

Hello! You’ve made it through the semester and South America is just a few short weeks away! Right now, week 1, I’m confused as hell with this whole blog thing. I’m a fantastic Tumblr stalker but when it comes to…

Sink or Swim?

Little boat Big ocean

Speculative writing! Week 1 Reading Networked Media= Boat Ocean = Ideas to explore It is a metaphor, it suggests that each student will conduct/venture/lead their own exploration. Too many ideas? Never too many. The boat is little but the ocean…

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