Media Student Festival Success

from Sarah Menegon

My short documentary film RUBY has been selected for entry to the 4th Annual MULTICULTURAL FILM FESTIVAL which will take place online this year. I’m thrilled with the response to it so far.  My film was created as a part of the fantastic studio REAL TO REEL about my friend Ruby. Ruby moved to Melbourne to start a new adventure, but her family back home had other plans. Marriage in her culture is a family affair where everyone is involved. Ruby’s family have been on the hunt for someone to “take care of her” for years now but Ruby was in no rush to settle. 

Additionally, RUBY will be a part of Swinburne research project ‘Zooming In’ which is an online portal used to explore contemporary multicultural life through the lens and will join their travelling roadshow ‘Zooming Out’ which tours multicultural films to regional Victorian towns’ screening to diverse audiences. 

NEWS JUST IN: 16 September 2021

RUBY has just been accepted to screen on Femflix the first BcommMedia work to be part of a paid streaming service!

NEWS JUST IN: 16 September 2021

The multicultural film festival Ruby will be on SBS on demand and shown on the big screen at Fed Square.