Media 6 – Week 1 Reading

When reading through the pages of The Fourth Industrial Revolution (world Economics Forum) – Klaus Schwab 2016 – I couldn’t help but reminisce over movies such as the Matrix, I-Robot, Terminator, Enemy of the State etc, (the list could go on). For some reason reading all of these predictions about the future use of robots in society and the constant threat of everyday surveillance for the future seems like theses movies predicted it quite a while back.

This piece basically shows the predictions of the future and how things like advances in biomedicine, engineering and the digital world are going to impact the human race.

The thing that I found most interesting was the discussion of how the social structure changes due to the internet which has created a Global community, one that traverses country borders. As a media Practitioner this is quite a profound concept that is already in affect today. If we take the film industry as an example; it is widely assumed that the majority of films are created in America, a multitude of studios and practitioners are based in America. However in recent years, thanks to technology and the global market, Film studios are now filming all over the world and are employee people from wherever they happen to be shooting. Australia has seen some great opportunities in this market, mainly specialising in the post production phase which the internet and digital technology has allowed them to do.



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