The first two performances (out of six) that I filmed at Triple R last weekend got uploaded to YouTube and I gotta hand it to the editor or the video producer, they did a pretty good job with the footage I filmed, as the same constrictions i felt existed in the production or filming part kind of was dealt with quite well, particularly the framing of the shot in the Shabbab queen shot, as there was that portion that was out of the frame.


For the Hi-Tec emotions performance I feel like I might have spent too much time focusing on one shot, struggling to deliberate where to go and how to do it, and then when I finally decided to change shots felt as if it was necessary to divert back to the original shot. But this is all part of the learning process I guess, or at least as they say, and all in all I thought it was extremely fun.

Though I’m not sure it would have fit, it was a shame that the part of the Shabbab’s performance that delves deeper into the immigration issues and the issues that the lead singer and people of his ethnicity have had to deal with, a pretty long, and I felt meaningful monologue was excluded from the uploaded video, even though I recorded it, though I guess it still would have been broadcasted on the radio and be looked back on, but I feel youtube is just that much more accessible in a way.

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