Epiphany (Week 10)

Week 10 was all about what we wanted to do in terms of further investigations for our projects and methodology of working. In groups we went off and my group investigated more lighting – continuing on from week 9. We hired various lights such as light panels, fresnel lights and dedo lights to experiment with the ways in which they work. A group member wanted to create a specific atmosphere for an interrogation scene, and to see how the lighting would work if she wanted to recreate a door opening. The light of the door that is being opened has to be shown on the character’s face. The frenels were too strong of a light for this specific shot, however Paul showed us how it can be reduced by pointing it towards a wall and using the reflector boards to guide the light onto the actor. We then experimented with the dedo lights, which were more of a success for the atmosphere we were going for. By moving the barn doors we were able to create the motion of the door opening in a dark space and the light from that adjoining room to be seen on the actor’s face. Paul also showed us how you can shadow another character in the scene just by having them walk in front of the light. This created a suspenseful atmosphere, which is exactly what we were hoping for. It is quite intriguing how lighting works, and just be readjusting the barn doors on a light, and the use of a reflector board, you can change the lighting and scene scenario completely.

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