Eisenstein, S. (trans & ed Leyda, J.) 1949 ‘A Dialectic Approach to Film Form’, Film Form: Essays in Film Theory, Harvest, London UK

In Eisenstein’s chapter A Dialectic Approach to Film Form, he details the foundations of philosophy as “Being” and “Synthesis” (45) form the dynamic concept of things. Eisenstein details how conflict is art’s driving force due to its social mission, nature and methodology. His findings are relatable to carry across mediums of media – not just film alone. There is no evidence of falseness in the text as it is written in-depth and is supported by historical examples from film. The chapter is useful to my understanding of the cut and the dialectics of the film form. Eisenstein proposes a conflict between industry and the organic form, which, is supported by many other credible sources. This chapter, although not entirely supportive to the research, is interesting and adds topics that could be further investigated for future research.

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