This is my third version of MILK. I am the least happy with this one, but it needed to be done and I want to show it as a learning experience.

The soundscape is inspired by the forest, and I wanted the dogs to be a bigger part of this version. I don’t like this soundscape as much because I think that it is too quiet and that there isn’t as much dynamic range as there is in the other versions. I think I could have done much better on it, but for now this is the best that I can do for it.

For the colouring, I wanted it to be hued more blue and green. I wanted it to feel cold, but I think the green adds something strange and sickly to the mix. I also think the blue and green matches the soundscape (forest).

One thing to note in this version is that theĀ ending is different from version II. I removed the shot where she walks away, because I felt like the film was already too long, and that the sound did not give it the rise and fall like it did in version II. I also did this so that the moment where the dogs are barking and she is seeing herself in the park becomes more contemplative. Instead of walking away, without thinking about it again, she walks out of frame, which I think leaves what happens after much more open.


My name is Mimo. I like to watch TV and films with my neighbour's cat.

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