Reading Week #10 – Database Race Face

Database Form – Is a form of information that has no real start, middle or end, rather it contains a range of substance that share the same level of importance as each other.

There is an exception to this idea of media being like a database, computer games, which is related more closely to me! It makes the point that video games are experienced as narratives by the players, there are certain motifs and tasks that help you get to the ‘end’ of the game. While this does not follow the database form of a CD-ROM or website, it still depends on the execution of an algorithm in order to beat the game. GTA V is a new game which arguably contains both the conventional database similar to that of the website and also the algorithm based motifs. You are able to simultaneously switch between a certain goal and the general outer environment. One that has no real extra substance, allowing the player to do as they please.

I also found the comment regarding database and narrative quite interesting stating that they are both natural enemies, both fighting for the same piece of land. “In computer programming, data structures and algorithms need each other; they are equally important for a program to work”

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