the media around you, me and us

I purposely made a separate post for the group activity during the lectorial because I thought it’d be more important to centralise the idea of “media being everywhere” on one blog post!

Our location was at ‘City Square’, which honestly did not sound too familiar to me, and that is such a big disappointment for being a Melburnian 😅.

(Image from Wikipedia)

My experiences with City Square were almost little to none due to the fact that this isn’t where I frequent whenever I visit the CBD. Anywho, I got to know 4 lovely girls from my group named Sam, Chloe, Lizzie and Jasmine! I also believe the main focus of this task was to know the people and our peers around us in order to collaborate in the future.

What the task required us to do was to look at our surroundings. Look at the media around you – and look in all directions. Up high? On the ground? Mid-ground? Back-ground? Foreground? In our hands? We discussed what was around us and I think the discussion can only be translated into photographs:

If you take a closer look at the photos: you’ll see statues, flags promoting the Moomba festival (1st photo, bottom right corner), information booths, signs attached to the wall about the new and upcoming Citylink. This task has given a realisation of how powerful media can be. It’s  part of our consciousness and subconscious – an influential, flexible form that is used to send and promote a message. Heck, we even used a form of media to take those following images a.k.a. the phone in our hands.

I enjoyed the task that was given to us for Week 2’s tutorial, it was like no other. I got meet 4 lovely girls that I’m able to sit with for our seminars/lectures and most of all it made realise a valuable message – that we may possibly be the manipulator of this paramount form – Media.

(Left to right: Lizzie, Chloe, Jasmine, Samantha and myself!)

Thanks for readin’ my thoughts,


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