Project 2 – Scouting Location

For my writing exercise I wrote about a man sitting at a campfire, staring into the flames, waiting for his girlfriend to return from collecting some wood until he hears a scream. When I was writing this I was picturing a specific place in my head, Harcourt Oak Forest where I went camping the week before. I didn’t have the time to travel and take pictures or record audio although I have found some photos that I took there from a while ago as well as this one below in which I sourced from the web.

Harcourt Oak Forest


Aesthetically, the Harcourt oak forest would be a fantastic place to film. Its a very visually pleasing place with lots of trees due to it originally being an oak plantation. As well as thick forest there is a big clearing in which people camp and where the light from the sun is able to reach the ground. It would be a good setting for a horror/thriller like my writing exercise. There are lots of interesting locations scattered around the area which would be great in a film. For instance there is a quarry, swamp (shown below), mountain, tracks through the forest etc. The story could be tailored to exhibit these beautiful locations resulting in a more visually pleasing narrative.


Practically it might sometimes be difficult to get the light I would need for some shots. Although if I was prepared with battery-powered lights, this would not be a problem. Furthermore, I could use fire itself to light some scenes. It’s generally a pretty quiet area so there would be no issue with people getting in the way. The forest itself is not too far from the town of Harcourt itself so if we need anything ie. batteries, food etc. it wouldn’t be an issue.

My friends and I camping
My friends and I camping


Project 1 – Writing Exercise Reflection

I wasn’t able attend the studio class in which everyone else did this writing exercise although I did at home with the same constraint of 30 minutes. I found this a useful exercise but a difficult one. My biggest problem with writing is coming up with an idea. I spent the first 10 minutes pondering about what to write about until I stumbled upon the idea of camping as I’d camped last weekend. This piece of writing could easily be adapted into a horror/thriller film which is interesting as it’s not really a genre I generally enjoy. It was the first fiction writing exercise I’ve done since Writing Media Texts in the first semester of my degree. It was a useful exercise as it prompted me to think more about ideas for short films.

Project 1 – Writing Exercise

The flame flickered in the reflection of Carl’s eyes as he stared into glowing orange. The fire was pulsating with the glowing embers moved in rhythm with diminishing flame. The once intense heat from the campfire seemed to dissipate in the cold air before reaching his cold hands. ‘Laura should of been back by now’, Carl thought as he watched the last oak log crumble into ash. Laura had gone to find reception so she could call her parents and said she would search for some wood on her way back. ARRRGHHH! Suddenly a loud high-pitched scream punctured through the flickering sound of the fire. Carl’s blood ran cold and the hairs on the back of his neck spiked, he knew it was Laura. Fear and adrenaline surged through his veins as he rose from his foldout chair. He lent down, picked up the wood axe that was buried into the dirt and ran into the darkness.