Today,  Fiona, Beth and i  form a group for project brief 4, very happy group with them, but also a little worried about my English skill hah. We pumped up the audience on the subject by pick up a small piece of paper from Brian. How should I say, at the beginning of we take the topic of audience, we feel like audience should be a good topic to speak, because it is a general concept, there should be a lot of content. But when you want to think deeply,  seriously do not know how to start. So the first time our members discussed did not get any clear direction, but it does not stop us start doing research, because in the research process, we may be able to make a good research question.
By the way, our team opened a private Facebook group, and may not be a big deal, but this is the first time I use Facebook to assist the Panel in communication, feeling quite interesting

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