Six weeks pass very fast, i can say that I learned a lot of things from the beginning pb1 to pb3. Honestly, I’ve never used any kinds of editing software before i start the first project brief of the workshop, I have to say the process of making my first self portrait video was really painful because I really do not know how to editing a video, also because i was met so many friends yet that can help me to do the editing and i am shy to asking teacher. so here just one way to do – learning how to used it by myself. my project brief one totally not a great work compare with other classmates’ works (even the orientation of my work is wrong) , score is a bit low. But I did not depressed, I am very happy even my work is not get a high score, because i know I have learned something of, like i know how to editing now . Six weeks ago I’ve been holding on to a relaxed state of mind until the end of the sixth week after I got a new achievement. How should I say, historically low of scores, so I feel a sense of crisis. I feel like I probably going to fail my first semester , I hurried contact Brian (my mentor) by email, talked a lot, Brian gave me a lot of recommendations and I do not have to be ashamed when i needs help. Thanks Brian, gave me great encouragements, and i know no matter what I need to take refuelling next six weeks.
