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Project 4 Tests

June 5, 2015 by kimberlyteoh   

Test 1

Both the travel video and Moves data collected for these two test videos were the same. These videos were made to see which was a better way to display the pictures.

The sampling method I initally decided to take was, 1 photo every minute. However, I found it difficult to strictly follow this rule because sometimes, I would miss the mark. So instead, I changed the sampling method to 1 photo per 60 counts. I would start counting each time I moved and took a photo when I counted to 60.

Below the pictures in the video is a timeline made from using the timeline provided in Moves. This is what it originally looks like in the app:



Note: In this screenshot, you can see something called “Moves off 5hr 36mins”. This is a gap in the timeline. It shows up when the app stops tracking your movements from either being turned off, or it isn’t connected to the Internet.



In order for the moveline to be horizontal, much photoshopping was needed. This was the end product:



As you can see, a lot of information such as the timestamps, etc. had to be removed because of limited space. I made the two bubbles white, because one, I couldn’t turn what was in it horizontally, and two, I needed to use the GPS icon in them. For the final prototype, I hope we can include more information.


This isn’t so much a problem but rather, lack of convenience. The app requires the user to manually document the area they have been to. I didn’t have a problem with its unreliability because my phone’s GPS was switched on. While having it switched on allows the app to accurately track my location, the downside is that it consumes even more energy.

Overall thoughts:

The videos looks very much like a moving powerpoint presentation. I think it would be better if the travel data was a video, instead. However, since my focus is on sampling with photos, I will try to see how else a travel video can be made with using pictures.

Test 2

The sampling method used for this video was, 1 photo every 3 steps. I wanted to see how the video would turn out if it was made with hyperlapse in mind. I thought it was kinda cool at the end, however, if we’re going to be realistic here, I don’t think anyone would take try to make a moving hyperlapse video during their travels. Watching the video a few times also made me feel a little dizzy. The moveline felt redundant; it wasn’t really needed.

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