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  1. Portfolio Essay (Individual)

    June 7, 2015 by kimberlyteoh

    As we now approach the end of the semester, it is time to take a look back on how this course has affected me. I have come to the realisation that my approach to creating media content has changed. For one, I understand that it is best to be continuously progressive.  You don’t just start at one point and end things there, no, you continue to build from that point and try new ways of delivering visual information across the network. I have also realised that form is more important than content, because giving a video its own “form” makes it different from countless of existing media content up on the Internet, which is a valuable aspect to have.

    Near the very beginning of the course, we had to go through an exercise where we chose and analysed an existing online video practice. The video my group chose was a scenic, travel video of Italy made by Youtuber, devinsupertramp. During this exercise, James and I had to break down what travel videos were and how they were made. What we learned about the video was that it employed several camera techniques to show certain areas/objects of interests in Italy. I think that by analysing an already existing practice, we are essentially trying to figure out what the practice is down to its core by asking questions such as, “what does it do?” “is it promotional?” “educational?” “how was it made?” “what does it use?” By doing this, we get an idea of what these videos are and can finally begin to develop our own videos. Right after this exercise, we had to make 10 sketches. The 10 sketches we made heavily relied on techniques. I had understood too late that we were actually supposed to come up with different ways of making a travel video so, if I could have done this differently, I would have made a travel video review, or a travel video recommendation guide.

    The sketching process was a completely new experience for me. It is a process that involves thinking up of several ideas and using those ideas to create something. I learned that it is an exploratory phase where ideas are tried out in order to see what we can find (what worked and what did not worked). The sketches made from these ideas are disposable which in other words, meant that there is no need for perfectionism during this process. This is why the concept of Satisficing is so important. We are encouraged to try out as many ideas as we can in hopes of finding something that has not yet been done before. Usually, when my group thought up of an idea we could use for a sketch, we would write it down on our list of ideas as a sentence. However, while it is fine to jot down any ideas that springs into mind, careful planning and consideration is still important when sketching. During Project Three, a few ideas had to be dropped because they were simply not feasible. If I were to do this again next time, I would draw out in detail what the sketch would look like . Then, I would plan it out to evaluate its feasibility or if it would look well as a video, instead of immediately setting out to do it. I can get a clearer picture of what I will make this way, too, even though it extends the time taken when brainstorming.

    Presenting is an important skill to develop over time, especially when it comes to pitching out your ideas to the public. Every presentation, both inside and outside of university, is given a limited amount of time. In this course, we had to learn how to condense what we did and what we found in a clear and concise manner. I had also decided very early in the course that I wanted to improve my ability to present without a script to read out of. Our group did considerably well in our first presentation since we managed to deliver our findings within the time limit. However, I had also forgotten to mention a few key points. This turned out to be a reoccuring problem in the second presentation as well. To combat this problem, I tried memorizing what I would say in the presentation the previous day but this turned out to be counter-effective. In an attempt to recall the words during the presentation, my brain had switched its focus to remembering what I practiced saying the day before. In other words, my mind was so set on remembering them that I had forgotten the key points, instead. I have yet to find a solid solution to this problem, but for now, it seems that writing points on a note could help.

    There was a lot of reflecting that had to be done in this course. In brief, we had to reflect on just about anything. I found that reflecting is a time for me to sit down and deeply think about virtually anything, and most of the time, I noticed things that did not immediately come to mind until I started reflecting. This includes problems that have arisen, which usually led to thinking of ways to solve it or ways to do it differently. I would say that reflecting does not allow my thoughts to be fleeting, but rather, it takes my thoughts apart so I “look” at them in different perspectives.  I also found that reflecting on what you did before a presentation helps tremendously because if you do so,  you will know what you’re talking about.

    To sum up, what I’ve learned is that practice-based research involves asking mountains of questions which inevitably lead to new ideas. It is worth it to try any of these ideas, even if they’re bad, because they each have a chance to let you discover new things. Reflecting on them allows you to learn and understand on your own. It is certainly a creative approach to take as a media professional.

  2. Project 4 Tests

    June 5, 2015 by kimberlyteoh

    Test 1

    Both the travel video and Moves data collected for these two test videos were the same. These videos were made to see which was a better way to display the pictures.

    The sampling method I initally decided to take was, 1 photo every minute. However, I found it difficult to strictly follow this rule because sometimes, I would miss the mark. So instead, I changed the sampling method to 1 photo per 60 counts. I would start counting each time I moved and took a photo when I counted to 60.

    Below the pictures in the video is a timeline made from using the timeline provided in Moves. This is what it originally looks like in the app:



    Note: In this screenshot, you can see something called “Moves off 5hr 36mins”. This is a gap in the timeline. It shows up when the app stops tracking your movements from either being turned off, or it isn’t connected to the Internet.



    In order for the moveline to be horizontal, much photoshopping was needed. This was the end product:



    As you can see, a lot of information such as the timestamps, etc. had to be removed because of limited space. I made the two bubbles white, because one, I couldn’t turn what was in it horizontally, and two, I needed to use the GPS icon in them. For the final prototype, I hope we can include more information.


    This isn’t so much a problem but rather, lack of convenience. The app requires the user to manually document the area they have been to. I didn’t have a problem with its unreliability because my phone’s GPS was switched on. While having it switched on allows the app to accurately track my location, the downside is that it consumes even more energy.

    Overall thoughts:

    The videos looks very much like a moving powerpoint presentation. I think it would be better if the travel data was a video, instead. However, since my focus is on sampling with photos, I will try to see how else a travel video can be made with using pictures.

    Test 2

    The sampling method used for this video was, 1 photo every 3 steps. I wanted to see how the video would turn out if it was made with hyperlapse in mind. I thought it was kinda cool at the end, however, if we’re going to be realistic here, I don’t think anyone would take try to make a moving hyperlapse video during their travels. Watching the video a few times also made me feel a little dizzy. The moveline felt redundant; it wasn’t really needed.

  3. Project 4 Final Prototype

    June 4, 2015 by kimberlyteoh

    After we made our final prototype, we had the following idea:

    If we had to redesign the Moves app into a travel documentation app, we would add a timer feature to it. This is so users can set their own time intervals. For example, if you set the timer at 5 minutes, whenever 5 minutes pass, your phone will buzz as a way to notify you to take a photo or a video. Once you are finished with your journey, the app will put the data together and it would look very similar to our prototype.

    Back up links:

    Presentation Slide


    Iteration 1 content & reflection

    Iteration 2 content & reflection

    Final Prototype

    Project 4 Report

  4. Project 4 Dump

    May 24, 2015 by kimberlyteoh


  5. Class Reflection

    May 22, 2015 by kimberlyteoh

    From what I understand, with Project 4 we’re to make sketches that’ll help us develop our prototype. Errol and Nethaniel (props to them) were generous to show the class their progress in their project and what we were shown more or less confirmed what we’re supposed to do for Project 4. However, I didn’t get a sense of where they were going with for their prototype. I didn’t want to say anything though since I thought maybe I didn’t realize it since I’m not perceptive enough to do so. How do I put it…it was very similar to Project 2 where the class had to set out to make exploratory sketches and in the process, tried all sorts of things. Of course, we’re supposed to do that with Project 4 too but I’m under the impression that we’re to hone in on something that we tried in Project 3, and make sketches with that. For example, my group is planning on using the tracker app, Moves, which we tried in Project 3, and make more sketches with that.

    I must say that I’m not too keen on this travel diary idea we’re having anymore because it’s relatively tough to do. Why? I’m not traveling, yet I’m making a travel diary. It’s hard to be enthusiastic about something when I basically have this mindset that everything I’m experiencing/seeing isn’t new so there’s nothing special about. Sure, I could try going to places I’ve never been to before but I can’t afford it nor do I want to. Man, I’m such a downer.


  6. Class Reflection

    April 29, 2015 by kimberlyteoh

    Today, we had to present Project 3 to a panel. I seriously don’t know how people who present without a script can deliver their presentations so naturally. I’ve decided at the start of this particular course that I wanted to try presenting without one too, because to me, these presentations are like pitches and not an academic presentation. As usual, my nervousness decided to screw with me and caused my mind to blank out again which unfortunately made me cut what I had to say short. As a result, I forgot to mention what I’ve discovered (though to be honest I don’t think it should be considered a “discovery”). What I’ve discovered is that what we’re doing is best suited for sampling. Sampling as in allowing people to “have a taste” of a traveling experience. I can’t quite explain it very well but it’s very similar to Jonathan Harris’s The Whale Hunt.   

    To tell the truth, I decided to at least practice what I was going to say for the presentation the day before. I would say the same thing over and over until I was sure that it was stuck in my head. Unfortunately, it seems that doing that doesn’t actually help in my case after what happened.  So I decided to do a bit of research and I learned that doing this will instead make you FORGET what to say because your brain is switched to memorization mode. In other words, my brain was so set on trying to remember what I had to say (word for word, or at least similar to it) that I wasn’t thinking about the key points I had to make.

    I guess next time I’ll just write down the points on a memo and use that to help me remember. I’m still not cured from the anxiety/nervousness you get before a presentation though.

  7. SKETCH 6 Microblogging

    April 24, 2015 by kimberlyteoh


  8. SKETCH 5 Streaming

    April 24, 2015 by kimberlyteoh

    For this sketch, I was planning on using Periscope or Meerkat. Unfortunately, these apps were not fully developed for the Android so I couldn’t quite explore this idea with my Samsung S3. So I went with another app called which I recently learned was developed before Periscope or Meerkat, but didn’t quite take off. Anyway, in this sketch, I streamed while walking around a lane near Flinder’s Street that’s a popular destination for tourists because it is known as Graffiti Lane. Think of it as a street art museum.  After I finished streaming, the app didn’t provide a playback of what I just streamed. However, I anticipated this and selected the option to save the broadcast into my phone.

    Personally, I knew that in order to engage with the 3 viewers who were watching, I had to talk…to my camera. Because this is what most streamers do and why most people watching streams, because they engage with each other (the viewers can leave comments so they can “talk” to the streamer). My mind knew this but since I’m a self-conscious person, my heart found it hard to do it. I was afraid of getting looks from the people in the lane, and there were a lot of them. So the result is quite….sub-par. If only the location had no people. If only.

  9. SKETCH 4 10 second Shots per 10 minutes

    April 24, 2015 by kimberlyteoh

    Following up from Sketch 1, we wanted to see what would happen if we shot short videos in 10 minute intervals and use them to make a video.

    Honestly, I think as a video, it doesn’t work very well because it seems too haphazard for a video to me. I couldn’t really get a definite sense of place. I think if we were to turn them into WebMs, which is a new and better versions of .gifs  because they have sound, and put them into a library then it would turn out better. Unfortunately, this format is not supported by a lot of websites, so I could not test this out.

  10. SKETCH 3 Pocket Phone

    April 24, 2015 by kimberlyteoh

    This sketch had more to do with a different way of taking a video of your journey. I found that holding up a DSLR to record is very tiring and can potentially cause sore arms. Using your phone instead would avoid the problem however, you wouldn’t be able to personally experience the journey because you would be focusing on your phone. A Go-Pro would be a better alternate but what if you couldn’t afford it or didn’t want to get one? I could also get a small body camera but since I didn’t want to get one specifically for this project, I went with the next best thing.

    Introducing, Pocket Phone! Simply activate your phone’s video recording function and put it into your breast pocket. Don’t have a breast pocket? Well, tough. Issue number one there.
    Another issue is that it’s vertical. There is a lot of stigma attached to videos that were shot vertically because they aren’t as visually pleasing as videos that were shot horizontally. This is because the field of view is very limited.

    This method of collecting data and documentation is hassle free since all you have to do is just leave the phone recording in your breast pocket. However, because it’s shot vertically and it’s very shaky, I highly doubt that it would be a success.

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