Week 12 Tutorial Reflection

During the last tutorial of the semester, each group presented the current status of their projects to receive feedback as we entered the home stretch for Project Brief 4. Aidan, Cheyenne and I have recorded the first draft of our podcast and so we could not present it to the class as it had not been properly edited yet. So, we showed the class our new website; Medium Size, were we had the three separate pages: ‘About’, ‘Episode 1: Media Influence’ and ‘Episode 2: Education.’ Aidan explained what each podcast would about. Episode 1 will focus on the influence media has over audiences across various mediums. I emphasised that this will be throughout history because I had focused on propaganda during World War II, specifically how comic books and film were utilised to pander to the sense of patriotism in the American citizens to garner support for the war. Episode 2 discusses how news broadcasting has remained the primary method of educating audiences on current events and world issues as well as how other mediums may be used to fulfil similar purposes.

The feedback given from the class was mostly positive, yet because we did not have a draft of the podcast for them to listen to, they felt as if there was not enough content as of yet. Robbie said he was curious to see our website come to fruition and that the podcasts were a good addition to our project. While I was relieved to be on the right track, I am rather nervous about further recordings of the podcast. Time is running out and while we have set a ten minute time limit on each podcast, editing three voice tracks may be more of a challenge then we believe. Having researched for our initial idea of a plain website, I have a lot of background information to serve as supplementary material to fill out the surrounding website to hopefully add even more content to Project Brief 4. Our group has worked fairly well together but our one weakness, especially me, being poor time management and so hopefully with classes ending this week and a plan for our meetings and recording sessions, we will produce an artefact we are all proud of.

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