On Wednesday night I was honestly not looking forward to this class. I’d had some technical problems with my computer and Premiere Pro and the thought of having to deal with a computer as slow as two elderly people at the nursing home having an egg and spoon race made me want to tear my hair out.

However! I have a passion mindset and want to better myself so I went along anyway and tried to learn more of Premiere Pro. We watched a couple from the class and it was interesting to see the way different people interpret the briefs. Lindsey’s was really hilarious and something I never would’ve thought of. Haiku’s are known to be serious poetry and his editing skills really showed another side to this. This workshop inspired me again and really kicked me into gear. I had so many ideas for my final film and I enjoyed learning through my classmates. Us helping each other with Premiere Pro rather than leaning on Hannah or Lynda to assist us.

Although I had nothing to show my group, I explained to them the concept of what I was aiming for and they liked it! They did say though that I had to be careful in my execution of the concept as it was from my point of view and sometimes it’s harder to convey a sense of identity.

Overall I felt better than I had before the workshop and realised that a lot of people were in the same boat with me.
It was time to create some better content and splice it all together.

EDIT – Looking back on where I was only a week ago, it’s amazing to see how much anxiety and stress this was causing but now I have a completed one minute film… Making this haiku I felt like I had no idea what I was doing but it’s proof that taking the time to teach yourself, experimenting and making mistakes can make a world of difference.

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