Tag: blogchecklist


For the assignment I created a hashtag, #blogchecklist. Tags group topics together so you can find more of the same information. Developed in the 1990’s, ‘Third-Party’ tags were used to help ad servers and analytic packages measuring sales and marketing data. Tags collect data and have grown with the development of the internet and technology. Tags are a keyword that…


My blog is quite simplistic and minimalist as I prefer reading and creating blogs that are simple to read and navigate, that don’t look too “cluttered”. So my blog only contains a few ‘Headers’, a title and image. A small search bar and the chronological posts. Once you click on a post, there are more links on the side including,…


Copyright gives owner the right to stop others reproducing work as long as it is a piece of original work it has copyright protection. Copyright is also a form of property, this means you can sell, give and license to others. Whilst my ideas for an article on my blog are not under copyright, as soon as there is a…

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