Making progress

We’re still organising which guests can come to our seminar. We have the possibility of a Skype interview but we decided that would probably be a but jarring. Anna Mcleish had confirmed but recently pulled out due to changing schedules. Before that happened I did a fair amount of research and found some resources for the group to look at, particularly a great interview where she discussed what she does and how she started, and how she got to where she is today; which is really the direction we wanted to take with our seminar. However, it’s back to the drawing board with that.

While we wait to confirm some guests that I can research, I’ve been working more on the general structure of the seminar and how it will run. Its a little difficult because if we knew the guests we could tailor the questions more to them and their experiences, as well as research them in depth now so the host can seem as though he knows their work well. But that will have to come later. For now there are just general questions related to our topic. I need to work on an opening monologue for Jim to say also, as I decided that would be a good idea to break the ice and introduce our theme. I’ve scheduled a break in-between some of the questions, as based off experiences of the other seminars, it keeps everyone comfortable and happy.

For now I’ll keep writing and planning, but when we confirm guests I’ll research them so we can get more tailored questions and get to know their experiences better, as well as for things like press releases.

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