#34 Blogging

The word itself is super funny so I googled it and it is the combo of web log (thanks wikipedia, you’ve always had my back) But I just find it weird that most people have blogs these days, more personal ones than work/school related and I reckon it’s this kind of self obsessed thing mixed in with new technology and the availability. I reckon it’s caused stereotypes i.e. hipsters, fangirls, emos, artists and one teaspoon teenie boppers. Stupid.

I guess it does provide this free way to promote yourself and your work, but I don’t know, nothing really seems genuine and I kind of feel like nothing is really original anymore. Once you put out something, it is out for the world to grab and I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t want someone copying it and claiming it’s theirs?



#33 Response to Reading

The Database as Symbolic Form

So this reading talked about the new media and the databases that are included within it.

I don’t really want to talk about it. I kind of read it with about half the effort I put in to sleeping when I am over tired. Whoops.

Therefore it went through one ear and out the other. I think it has something to do with words like ‘database’ and other technical terms that I tend to avoid.

But in the words of Miley “it’s my [blog] I can say what I want to”

sidenote: readings should be shorter.

Manovich, Lev. “Database as Symbolic Form”. Database Aesthetics: Art in the Age of Information Overflow. Vesna, Victoria, ed. Minneapolis: University Of Minnesota Press, 2007. Print. 39-60. (PDF)

#25 The Long Tail (Response to Reading)

Readings, readings, readings. Every week. For more than one subject, it’s driving me insane. I say that we choose our own readings and then write them with some sort of link to the class (maybe then people would actually do it and we wouldn’t have this whole punishment thing)

Anyway, what I got from this one was about how products for niche markets are becoming increasingly popular, and making other products similar to it, also become more popular, with that whole “if you like this, then you should check out these:”

I see it all the time when I online shop:

 It’s smart. Cause obviously I want to match my new clothes with a cool jacket and shoes, and the website wants to make more money. Then ofcourse you get the weekly personalised emails informing you there is a sale and often showing clothes similar to the ones you have bought- all because they know your style. Then it becomes this vicious circle where I keep buying clothes and the website gets more money until my savings account is drained and I will need to move back to New Zealand into my parents house.

Went on a tangent but oh well.

Anderson, Chris. “The Long Tail.” Wired. Oct. 2004. Web. 23 Aug. 2013. (PDF)