Women's History Month: The Queen of Code

Women’s History Month: The Queen of Code

As I stated in my last post I am giving coding a try. One of the things that sparked my interest in coding was Gillian Jacobs The Queen of Code documentary (click here to watch via vimeo). The Queen of Code follows the story of Grace Hopper. A mathemetician who during World War 2 found herself working for the navy and running some of the first computers. As computers were beginning to merge into a market Grace Hopper realized programming language needed to standardized. As well not being something for only mathemeticians and created one of the coding languages COBOL in plain english. COBOL is still vastly used today.

Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are a rarity even today. As a society we mostly hear about the men who have contributed to these fields (Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniac, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, etc….).  It is important to be reminded that both sexes have made tremendous contributions to these fields.


Featured Image: The image of Grace Hopper is from the public domain and was sourced from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Grace_Hopper.jpg

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