Project Brief 4

Finally, here is my last assignment for media this year, completed. I struggled to create this, with minimal footage and audio tracks, I think I’m happy with what I have made from it. My theme is Movement/gravity, identifying the point of flight and the feeling of freedom when amongst it.

Here are my four 8 second videos, and 30 second audio track:

Media Studio | Wed Wk. 11

Today in class, I sat with Robbie and we finally sorted out my theme, from balance, to movement, I feel like I like to expand off movement and work with gravity, and question the art of gravity and how it functions, working with slow-motion, and rotating and mirroring of images, films etc. As I didn’t have any footage to work off in class, I decided to do some research on the RMIT library to help me out, I found quite a couple good articles on gravity and relating it to art. Vladimir Kantor’s journal article, “Overcoming Gravity: Pushkin on Freedom and Art” had an interesting perspective on comparing gravity to life as he states “the kind of freedom and ease enjoyed by Pushkin do not come easily; they are the result of overcoming the gravity of earthly life, its injustices.” He relates gravity has a sense of stabilisation in one’s life, and I found that very intriguing, as without gravity, everything on Earth would be crazy, and therefore, challenging gravity would create a form of chaos. During this tutorial, Nicolette also helped me download the program Premiere, and taught me how to use it so once I had my footage I would be able to edit with ease with this Adobe program.