I wonder how much time i spend wondering about wondering.

Countless sleeps lost, those wide –eyed owlish nights. And over what… In school we were plagued with encouragement to contemplate the future, to assess our life goals, to plan ahead. But I want to clarify a few things. What is to truly contemplate the future? Is it to simply look ahead and wonder, wonder what our destiny holds, wonder what career we’ll undertake, who we’ll marry, where we’ll live…amidst the endless questions I came to the conclusion that the centre of all these thoughts is just it: wondering… just wide eyed nights occupied by wondering. To add another layer of complexity that muddles things up… I begin to wonder why it is that I place such an emphasis on wondering. What’s the problem with wondering? Perhaps it clouds our ability to see clearly, that which already surrounds us. When the mind overflows with wondering, there leaves no room for appreciation.  How can I appreciate what is good, whilst simultaneously wondering about a future much less immediate than the present.

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