Looking back on my working with other idea I have realized another reason why I think I work with others so much. I think it is because I do not trust myself to make decisions and often think that my ideas are subpar.


I think that this is something that is really holding me back in being able to contribute my to the community of film. I found that when I was shooting something in class, I kept asking everyone if they thought it was okay, in my previous post, and when I was in class, I looked at this as getting ideas from others and working collaboratively; reflection on it now I have realized that it may if fact be a lack in confidence in my own ideas and abilities. This has caused me to consider working by myself for my final scene in order to challenge myself and to make myself trust in and rely on my ideas and choices.


Doing this would allow me to grow much more and therefore be able to contribute more to the group and collaborative situations that I do love working in.


REST OF SEMESTER: Consider working by myself

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