Film and TV reflection 5 qu3

The director of Blow Up would have considered the following aspects when setting up his shots:

1. The direction of the lighting

2. The direction that the characters are walking in

3. The movement of the character

4. The length of the of the shot

5. Whether the shot was close up, mid length etc..

6. The way in which colour and light effect the mood and feeling of the scene

Film and TV reflection 5 qu2

Reading from week 7 – Lighting the a scene

Two things I got out of the reading:

1. The Basic Lighting Set Up – having the diagrams of this helped me to understand the difference between and different uses of front light a back light. – That back light emphasises shapes the depth and shapes of the shots. – The front light is a softer and fuller light that is non-directional and unobtrusive.

2. Overlapping light is good for a shot in which the subject is moving as it keep the light constant.


Film and TV reflection 5 qu1

In the lighting lecture there were many things covered that were relevant for our film shoot. I learnt about the different effects of the different types of lights, and in which circumstances they are useful. I also found the different ways that light can effect the shot really interesting, especially the way in which it can change actors performance and the intentions of what they are saying.

I think the information was extremely relevant to our shoot, as we were shooting a large amount of our film inside and at night, so to shoot it at that time and try to make it look like it was morning.