Door Shoot

Shooting in class with the big groups was really interesting! I found it worked a lot better than the pervious shoots we have done. I think a major factor in this would be that these shoots were a lot more organized than the previous one; just the fact that people had set roles was good. At first when we were told we would be in groups of ten, I thought that it would be tough and that it would also be a bit chaotic. One of the great things about our class is that everyone is very keen to be involved and everyone has great ideas, but this has often caused a bit of ‘too many cooks spoils the broth’. This shoot actually worked really well, the fact there was some kind of order to who called the shots as well as people there to keep us on time and on track caused our shoot to run really smoothly. This obviously reflects how things need to work on a real film shoot on location. It will be really interesting to see all the different cuts that come out of the shoot, while it was a group effort, overall it was Natalie’s shot design and Chris’ directing that guided how the shoot turned out, I am interested in seeing the other group members’ cut and their ideas of the scene.

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