Annotated Bibliography no.4

I’m Not A Real Detective, I Only Play One On Radio”; Serial as the Future of Audio Drama. (2016). The Journal of Popular Culture, [online] 49(2). Available at: [Accessed 1 Jun. 2016].

Leslie Grace McMurtry speaks of how and why narrative podcasts are becoming successful forms of entertainment. She mentions that those who make podcasts often do so out of passion rather than a means of making money. Podcast makers create content for free as an expression of creativity. McMurty discusses the formula for a successful podcast, one that gains and maintains the interest of an audience. The formula states that seriality, high production value, star casting, fiction as well as passion with in a narrative podcast will result in it’s success. Mcmurty also discusses how radio drama has incorporated seriality over the past 80 years, and by using this method in radio podcasts they are able to upkeep the audience’s interest. She also compares having a high production value for podcasts would be like watching Game of Thrones in a car. This information will be useful for our project as it includes an answer to why narrative podcasts may be preferred to television shows. McMurty’s text is a peer review journal that was published this year. The fact that it’s recent means that the text is reliable information.

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