Being a beginner content creator and media practitioner has broadened my horizons to the world of Copy right infringement. Claiming another creators work for your own or vice versa happens more often that we think. Somewhere on the internet, a photo you took or a paragraph you wrote could be found and copied and claimed by someone else. in the global world of art and phenomena, copyright is essential for protection of work and artistry. The guest lecturer, Anne Lennox touched on a few interesting points. She mentioned that Copyright laws differ from country to country. I questioned how this would work with global platforms like Youtube and how Australia’s copyright laws worked in relation to YouTube’s laws. We came to the conclusion that YouTube Australia would be responsible for abiding my Australian laws. This also raised another question about Copyright, as everything is shared through the internet, how do content creators work around laws of different countries?

Below are some dot points of Copyright briefly summarised:

  • Assignment of rights… upload the video to youtube you give a non exclusive right to youtube to host that on your part
  • Moral rights

-Right of attribution

-Right of false attribution


  • Copyright duration= lifetime…70 years
  • Exceptions

-public fair dealing



  • Infringement

-rights of ownership

-substantial part of a work(quality rather than quantity)

-moral rights

While it may be difficult to generate ideas of your own or create content of your own, claiming other people’s work  as your own is childish and unacceptable. Create without constraints and the need to please others, stealing other people’s work is immoral, lazy and a sign of apathy. We should try our best to be our best and if it doesn’t work out atleast you’ll be a fool, not a thief.