The Other Idea, The one I will break down and run with.


I think for my final project I will try and film just a little bit of this-maybe even only the last scene.

Part 1

The story begins in an empty room, the prisoner is lying down, there are no beds or blankets, just the prisoner and an empty floor. In walks in a ‘hit’ man, his job is to take this prisoner to a drug cartel to probably be tortured and killed, a better name for this hit man is a middle man-he is kind of part detective/part messenger in a similar vein to Woody Harrelson in ‘No Country for Old Men’. The hit man walks in as light floods into the dark room and points his rifle at the prisoner-the prisoner is now captured.

The Hit man goes to a telephone box and calls the cartel-he is delighted to say he has caught the man and will be bringing him the long, secret way. Which is why the two travel on foot. The Hit-man hangs up the phone and walks over to the prisoner. Dressed in old, scrappy clothes the two men look out of place in modern society.

By foot they begin to travel towards the Cartel through the plains and mountains, things are tough and they don’t converse at all-the prisoner is quiet as The Hit-Man leads the way occasionally mocking him attempting to drum up conversation for his own benefit.

As the end of the days walking ends, the two camp out under the stars for the night, they have an in depth chat and bond-they talk about their futures, the past and there philosophies-it’s quite a long and intriguing character study and conversation. Following the conversation the prisoner kills the hit man. During the murder the tempo of the film slows down immensely.

Part 2

A man whose job is a policeman is on a date with a pretty girl, he is not in uniform and in a diner. It is revealed that the policeman is a vegetarian and that he likes to write and read. They both talk about themselves and flirt. He charms his date and its clear the two have a pretty good connection-she is vibrant and energetic and does a lot of the talking as well-its quite a happy, pleasant scene. The two leave the diner flirting. (This could even be in the diner could even Maccas).

The Policeman, on his own, now in uniform, finds an abandoned shed where the prisoner is hiding, he walks up nervously and kicks down the door, he scouts around the room and in the corner the prisoner crouches with his gun pointed at the cop. The cop persuades the prisoner to sit on chairs and talk things through, insisting they both aim to stay alive and that there are policeman outside ready to shoot-though sceptical the prisoner doesn’t buy it. The cop puts down his shot-gun insisting he is not going to kill the prisoner and will in fact save him. The prisoner now has his revolver pointed at the policeman, the policeman convinces him to drop it and they both have a revealing conversation, with tense rapid fire dialogue, again the two bond. Something happens in this scene to end it, probably a thematic thing, the show ends.

  • Now I just need to work out an ending- it will be based off he dialogue I write within the scene.

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