Project Brief 2: Essay: Overview

PROMPT: The viral campaign for 2008’s The Dark Knight was incredibly innovative for its time. Is it, though, an example of transmedia storytelling?

ARGUMENT: The campaign is an example of transmedia storytelling as it uses multiple media, it presents a single unified story/experience, and each media contributes something unique in the telling of the story. I argues that an ARG is inherently a subset of transmedia storytelling.

I started by conducting research into the campaign as I knew a bit about it but didn’t understand it in depth. Obviously understanding the ins and outs of it was integral in analysing it further.

Then I did some research into various definitions and understandings of what transmedia is.

Admittedly, I went into the task with a preconceived idea that the campaign was an example of transmedia storytelling, which was probably not ideal. However, the research I did solidified this idea.

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