This studio has been an absolutely fantastic asset to me, both creatively and information-wise. Not only have I gained a greater appreciation for screenwriting itself, but great insight to how my own artistic process works, as well as it altering my favour for dialogue, delineating the importance of action – something which I believe should be greater reinforced and taught in other fields of practice, from basic scriptwriting (keeping it in mind), to directing and cinematography. In that, it has become clear that without any doubt sight is the most important sense. Show, don’t tell. A picture tells a thousand words, so you paint that damn picture instead of an essay. However in saying so, one thing to remember is the importance of being clear and concise for screenwriting (despite it having an artistic flair that is unique in of itself).

However this is an issue I ran into during the writing of my final screenplay; being quite dialogue heavy and in an enclosed environment, so unfortunately I found myself resorting to exposition even though I tried avoiding it.

Another thing I didn’t expect to experience so drastically, was the realisation that ideas can change suddenly. I know it’s a cliché, but damn, when it hits it can hit hard. For so long I had a singular idea in my head, then the entire plot of my piece changed entirely (quite easy to see where it changes too).

Perhaps one of the greatest and most underappreciated aspects that helps with screenplays (or at least I found), is feedback and discussion ; and if you have nothing good to say or no contribution towards its betterment, get out. Non-constructive criticism an negativity won’t help ANY screenplay.
One thing I regret is probably not reaching out more with feedback; it’s good to think outside the box, Hell, it was only once I had my 180 on the project that the ball started rolling – I imagine that’d be an easier point to reach with another person involved. I can see why screenwriters work in teams now.

Overall, 10/10 studio,. Loved every moment, and every person. (except you, Adrian.) PEACE OUT, Y’ALL


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