Today marks the end of Photography 101, a school elective that I’ve enrolled back in February. It has been a long time coming, starting out from not even knowing the 3 basic parameters on the camera that will determine your exposure (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture), to actually getting my own DSLR from Gumtree, (funny story ’bout that, the guy who sold me the camera was a former student from the same Photography 101 in RMIT), to going out shooting and to find something really therapeutic about capturing moments, freezing motion, stopping time, all with a click of the shutter.

In today’s lecture, we were told that they are considering stopping this course for some reason, which kind of aches my heart to hear that. Personally, I always had a keen interest in photography, but haven’t gotten down to learning the ropes of doing so. Before enrolling to this course, I took pictures with my phone and posted them on social media, that’s as far as my photography skills go. After joining this course, it has taught me so much, and it is just another mode or avenue to express one’s self, much like music, paintings, or filmmaking, photography is another art form.

Where would I go from here? Well, I’ve already enrolled for Photojournalism as another school elective in Semester 2, so that’s that. But on a personal level, I am actually quite interested in joining some local photography competitions, which I might have to do some research on. Wouldn’t want to play ball with people who are way out of my league, therefore this requires some thought and help from peers or lecturers. One thing’s for sure though, you’re not going to find my camera in an ad on Gumtree, I can guarantee that.