My presentation has continued to grow immensely from the Project Brief 2 writing exercise, where I developed a scene about a middle-Eastern man sitting on a train reading a basic English grammar book. Where was the man going? Where did he come from? What was it like being in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language and trying to live in their world? These thoughts all went through my head when I saw this man. The themes I kept coming back to in my head were isolation and true desire. These are the things I want to explore in future filming exercises, which is why I will incorporate these themes into my Project Brief 3 pitch. I hope to go out and film a scene which recaptures what I saw that day. Will I feel the same emotions from what I film? Who knows what I could discover from a shoot like that, it could be something completely different. I’d also like to go out and ask people in the public who have moved here from another country or been overseas what their goals were and what their most terrifying experience of isolation was. Will that bring out a different feeling that I could work with and shoot. Or will it take me in a whole new direction. I have some ideas of where I could go from this starting point, however I look to keep an open mind and almost let this starting point take me on the journey, not me totally directing where we go.