After finally putting together my 2nd project brief together, I had the chance to present it to the class during my media 1 practical this week. My feedback from both Jasmine and my classmates helped me discovered ideas I had not thought of and discuss further creative possibilities, while also reaffirming what I felt worked well in my piece. Firstly almost everyone felt like it had a good concept, the road played its purpose well and communicated my feelings on my life’s journey and the particular path I’m on. The other elements, pictures, voiceover and music fit in well with the main video element of the road, being split up evenly and nicely and not feeling too overdone. Another creative alternative which I liked was to actually get rid of my voiceover, though it fit the concept of the piece very well, I could have let the visuals tell the story more than me spoon feeding the audience my point. I feel as though this could have worked really well, relying on my filming techniques to tell a story is both challenging and a great learning experience. It’s too late now, however it gives me something to look at next time I work on a project brief.