My Method of Working Pt. 1

I would love to create something that uses all of my loves / inspirations of cinema, the whole reason I am doing this course through one scene. I haven’t quite yet decided on how I want to approach this, i have ideas flying through my head but whatever it is I want it to be something I am proud of. The main things I want to be reflected through my work is influence from my favourite films / directors / and most importantly my interests. I have fleshed out some ideas, those being supernatural themes / special effects and clear direction in cinematography. I think i’m more interested how something looks (superficial I know) but i enjoy in other work how the things i see can make me feel. I think what i need to do now is look into some other directors that I enjoy and read up about there methodology and see how that is reflective in their movies / scenes. Note: looked at David Fincher – Other directors to look at* – Terrance Mallick – A G Rojas / Evan Prosofsky Cinematographer (Music Videos).


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